Tuesday, November 10, 2009

s0 si3nz nth t0 d0 n0w
tdy n0 g0 t0 skul with k4r chun
p3rf3ct w0rld lvled up t0 83 l3 h3h3
th4t k4r chun pl4ying t@l3s runn3r , p3rf3rt w0rld & g-m4il
my fri3nd ah jun3 pl4ying O2Jam l0l s0 n0isy eh~.~
NiGhT p0st 4g4in
posted by CY

Friday, November 6, 2009

Hellos All Again = D
So Lonq No Post B4 liao. Miss Me Ma ?? xD
Today No Go School Again .
But I Got Go To School Le.
After School Time Oni I Go .
Go Play Football @
My Stupiak Friend Askk Me Go Kick De.
Make Me Tired Dou .
Haiz ==
Very Boring Arhs .
No Line De ,My Girl Go The Stupid Tuition
Seii PTR !!
Now She At Cc .
Sumore Her Phone No Battery ..
No Line + No Battery .
NehNehNiBuBu ><
BiliBalaBiliBala .
xD !?!?!
ii Today Very Sot Again Ler .
But Little Bit No Mood .
Bcoz Of Something .
But Nevermind ~
Sure Got People Tam Fan Me De .
ii Hope So @@
Ok Lers !
ii Need Off Liao
Chiaos !
From : Daniel K

Thursday, November 5, 2009

some of my dog pic

this is my father friend dog..

chi wa wa...

made by: daniel lee

sorry to all ppl

Sorry to all,
my mom b;day all the pic i have delete dy,
if u all don mine i put our dog and some of my father friend dog..
wan to see??
i will upload it meaby about 10 min later

made by:daniel lee

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

November 05

is my mom b'day,
we ate cake...bake by me and my bro,
look not so nice but sedap...emmm..yam yam..

meaby will upload some pic at night..

Today, at school very sian..
sian dao nothink to do..
yi wei fight with a small black guy..
coz of... th black guy go see yi wei folio... u know see 4 what??
he go see his father name than go ajek the name..
than like this fight dy
the black ass cry..haha.. 1st time see him cry..

ok la..gtg.. night meaby got post..
see you...chao..

made by:Daniel Lee

Hellos All Again = D
As I Say I Will Post Bck Tonite.
Here's The Post.
Howw Are U All?
Err. I Will Be Goinq To School Tomoro Because ii Nid To Hand In All My SPBT Book
Cacat Hor??
I Scared I Lost Some Of My Book.
Hope Dun Hav Lost Lo .
If Nt Need Pay Back .
Very Boring.
Tomoro Go School.
+ Friday I Will Not Be Goin To School +
Now I Sms-ing With My Girl .
I Think Will Sms Till Late Late : x
We Two Very Power
No Need Sleep Also Can ^^
But Sometime She Tired Mai Let Her Sleep 99 lo
Dun Wan Let Her Feel Tired .
Aiiks !
Today Feel Very Tired And Like Goin To S I C K
I Hate It When Im Gettinq Sickness O.o
Daniel Is Goin To Be Craze Craze ~
Sot Till Very Very Very Sot
Today I Dunno Wan Wad Time Slp >.<
Wan Wad Time le? Hmm ....
1+ Barhss
Woohoo ii Go Find Her This Friday .
So Nice .
Hahas !
Ok Le .
ii Lazy Post Jor .
Sorry All
ii Know U All Wan See Me Post.
But No Energee Jor.
My Hand Hand Pain Jor .
Nites = 3
From : Daniel K
s0 si3nz l4 t0d4y in skul

th4t n0ob t3ach3r (ruzpi) told me to pay RM5 f0r th3 r3turn 0f th3 b00k.

0f c0z ii w0nt p4y
it's sh3's f4ult w3rt!

g0ing t0 s3nd 4 l3tt3r to th4t p4ul w0ng

cy4 g0ing t0 3at

tmr p0st 4g4in

from CY

our school song

Go forward MBS
Filled with courage fine
With your colours flying
We will cheer you all the time
And so you'll go forward MBS
On to victory
Work for the fame of our fair name
Forward!We must play the game

Majulah MBS
Penuh azam baru
Dengan semangat waja
Kita menjulangkan namamu
Majulah MBS
Raih kejayaan
Harumkan namamu selalu
Kekalkan keunggulan

M.B.S! , M.B.S! Play up! Play up! Play up!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

hellos all = D
its me again .
today din go school so nice.
dunno tat two lapsap in that school song mou? haha
in school also notin to do de. they go school. =.=
ask u all something . who post more nice?
  1. Daniel Lee
  2. Seow Chi Yuong
  3. Or Me?

vote ba

= ]

now ii quite boring oso le. nothin do

just can facebook, msn, blog, utube, sms

boring hor?

so thats all for now. tonight ii will post again.

c ya . Muacks

From . Daniel K

Borinq = D

hellos all = D
today in the school fuckinq borinq = [
the sejarah teacher keep bisinq bisinq . niama,
keep ask me { daniel , daniel ] jangan bising, tengok depan, jangan cakap.
hear dou also sien jor.
same thing evryday . ==
ii think u all hear also sien le.
now is 10.57.
tomorrow ii not goin to school. ii pontenqq .
gengg le??
ii watching WWE now .
watch stupid show bcos iim fckinqq fckinqq boring.
sorry i use fck word. haha .
iim a good boy.
ok ba. i stop blogginq now.
From : Daniel K

Monday, November 2, 2009


Today nothink to do at school... we 3 sleep for 1 period and the teacher don care about us..haha...
i and chi yuong at class do the stupid geo mafan dao sei... we do it at other teacher is teaching us and we don care... but when the stupid teacher that teach us SEJ and KOMSAS... well we doing she go rampas chi yuong book than i fast fast keep my book...haha... teacher can't take my book...haha the teacher is so noob..lol JKJK!!!! CY bad luck la u... do all dy kena rampas...sad case..

ok that all..

some pic in MBS

Ok la CY relex la just playing la...


1st day

This is my 1st day to update this blog... Think how long can we alive in this blog?? 1 day, 1 week,1 month,1 year or 4ever??? ok just like to tell u all this blog is about 3 best friend in MBSSKL school....
daniel lee: fat and shot..
daniel kan: macam gangster only... fight at school.. and do somethink stupid at school :D
chi yuong: nothink to say him la... only wan to tell u guys batter be careful in this guy he is a ham sap lao!! be careful.... haha JKJK!!